Friday, December 7, 2012

Back Link Generation Service: Can They Help Your Business?

Once you have your website up and running the next thing that you have to do is get traffic to that site. This is where people often get into trouble. There are a lot of other sites that are competing for the same traffic. This is where a back link generation service can come in handy, they can really help you to get traffic to your site.

The main way in which a back link generation service can help your business is that they can help you get your website to rank well in the search engines. The benefits of this are obvious, the higher your site ranks the more visitors you are likely to get. In fact unless your site is on the first page of the results it will be very unlikely to get any traffic at all. The way that you get your site on the first page is by building links to it.

It is of course entirely possible to build links to your site on your own and a lot of people do just that. Most serious business owners however have better things to do with their time than to build links. The work is tedious and dull and it does not require a great deal of skill. Therefore it is the kind of work that can be easily outsourced. There are lots of people who are willing to do it at a very reasonable price.

While finding people who are willing to build links to your site is fairly easy you do have to make sure that the person you hire knows what they are doing. It is very easy to start a back link generation company even if you have no experience at it. While the job is not hard there are a few rules that have to be followed when building links. If the person you hire to do it for you does the job incorrectly it can result in your site being completely removed from the search results, at which point nobody will ever find it.

In order to make sure that you find somebody who knows what they are doing to build links to your site you will want to ask them a few questions before they start. The big ones are where are the links going to come from and how will they be acquired. You then have to occasionally monitor the links that are coming to your site to make sure that they are quality links, if they are not you need to get rid of the person you are using to build links.

Backlink Building: Effective Link Building With Social Media Marketing   SEO: Why Build Links?   The Importance Of Backlinks For An SEO Campaign   13 Easy Ways To Get Backlinks   Backlink Generator: How to Get Your Website Found Online   How to Use Blogs for Search Engine Optimization and Backlink Building   

List Building Tips - Product Reviews

In this installment of List Building Tips, I am going to discuss product reviews, what they are REALLY, how to go about doing them and how to get them syndicated so as to bring traffic to your opt in page and ultimately build your list. I think you will find this interesting reading.

Okay, so just what is a product review? No, this isn't a dumb question. You'd be surprised how many people really don't know. Many think a product review is simply a brief summary of the product, what it does and how much it costs. No, that's a product overview and they're not the same thing.

A true product review actually goes in depth into the product itself. It reveals more about the product than you're going to find in an overview. It will go over all the pros and cons of the product, how to best use it or get the most out of it. It will even suggest alternative products if better ones exist.

In short, a product review won't pull any punches. If the product is crap or substandard, the reviewer will let the public know this.

And a bad product review can STILL help you build your list. In fact, a bad review may have more credibility in the eyes of the public than a good review simply because so many people are so jaded that they don't believe anything positive that they read. Plus, the good thing about product reviews, good or bad, is that the sites that publish them don't really care one way or the other. They just want the review on their site in order to get traffic to it. That's their one and only concern.

Great! So just how DO you get your product review on these sites? Well, what you want to do is search the Internet for sites that publish product reviews. Contact each one and let them know that you've reviewed XYZ product and you'd like them to publish it on their site. Tell them, if it's a positive review that they're more than welcome to use their own affiliate link as long as in the signature of the review they allow you a link to your newsletter. Most sites will have no problem with this. Free sales for them and a budding list for you.

The key to all this is that the review MUST be honest. You actually have to USE the product so that you can write intelligently about it. The only way to write a REAL review of a product IS to use it. Believe me, faked reviews can be spotted a mile away. And if you're found out, the backlash will be terrible to say the least.

For example, in my product reviews, I cite page numbers, chapters, specific details about the product that you could only know if you actually bought it and used it.

Now, if buying the product is not an option, due to lack of funds, you can always contact the product creator, let them know that you want to do a review of their product, and ask them if they can send you a copy. The worst that can happen is that they say no. Many people will gladly appreciate a review, especially if they know their product is actually good.

A number of product reviews syndicated around the Internet with a link to your opt in page at the end can bring in a considerable number of new members to your list.

Yes, there is a bit of work involved, but it is well worth the effort.

To YOUR Success,

Steven Wagenheim

How Your Website Can Get More Conversions   How to Improve the Trust of Your List and Double Your Profits   List Segmentation Strategies   Build That List   

A Few Words About Consent Forms

Although you might already have signed a consent form, one can still lodge a medical malpractice claim if a doctor or surgeon's neglect caused you or a loved one harm. By placing your signature to an agreement form, you're surely not expecting or allowing your regular doctor or any other health care professional to commit medical malpractice.

The intention of such a form is to record and authenticate that you had been given the chance to talk about all of your medical-related possibilities, ask questions about the treatments and medications and get comprehensive familiarity with the risks and difficulties linked to your surgical procedures or additional medical treatment.

Your medical professional will need to cover the following factors before obtaining your permission: your diagnosis or most likely diagnosis; the purpose of and steps involved in the operation, treatments or other course of action; the ideal results and the dangers implicated; any options other than the operation, remedy or procedure, in spite of money or lack of insurance; the benefits as well as the risks of your alternatives to certain operations, treatment methods or procedure; and the benefits and consequences regarding opting out of any medical treatment. The physician is additionally in charge of being sure that the individual or their approved advocate understands what they are being told before he or she signs a consent form.

The individual as well plays a role in the whole process of educated consent by listening closely and asking questions should they expect more details. As an example, if your primary health practitioner attempts to get a person's informed consent for heart surgery right after telling you that you have premature ventricular contraction, you might like to inquire about an explanation in terms you can understand.

Your physician, nurse, or surgeon will be required to meet a certain quality of due care that isn't abandoned by the individual putting their signature to any informed consent form.

The History Of Heath Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)   Compensation for Birth Injuries   Medical Malpractice Lawyers For Medical Mistakes   Dangerous Birth Injuries   

Guidelines for Housing Your Spice Finches

Spice finches are sociable birds that prefer to live in small groups. They mix well with other species of finches so long as the other species is not aggressive or territorial. They grow to a length of nearly five-inches (12 cm) making them one of the larger species of finches. They are easily cared for so long as you are aware of several distinct needs these birds have. Among these special needs is providing adequate housing.

Cage or Aviary?

The important consideration in deciding where to quarter your finches is to provide adequate room for them to spread their wings and "zoom" about in their habitat. Like most finches, they like to flit around, moving short distances from perch to perch. They play 'leap frog' with their mates as well. In order to assure that your birds don't injure themselves by flying into the walls of their habitat, a minimum requirement for a cage is that it be longer than it is tall and that it be at least three-feet in its longest direction. That will provide your birds with enough room to interact socially and move about the cage with ease.

If you decide on a cage to house your finches, then ask the pet shop for a finch flight cage. If they don't know what that is then you may want to go to a shop specializing in exotic birds where expert advice can be obtained. I prefer a stainless steel flight cage with bars spaced one-half inch or less apart. The stainless cage is both easier to clean and is not potentially toxic to the birds. The spacing of the bars insures that the birds will not escape or get their heads caught between the bars. Little things like this make for a happy, live finch.

I would avoid housing mixed species in a cage. Think of it this way, while the species may mix well together, if the space is cramped, aggression is more likely to occur. Because Spice Finches are so friendly, they are often unable or unwilling to fend off the aggression of another bird. This behavior, unfortunately, relegates these birds to corners of the cage and detracts from their ability to have a happy life.

Aviaries are available from commercial shops if you do not want to build your own. Building an aviary for Spice Finches is a task that requires a degree of carpentry skill to make it escape proof and to make it presentable. Commercial aviaries are really large cages with plenty of room for your finches to play, zoom about, and exercise to their heart's content. I house all of my finches in flight cages which is the best solution for me. You may want to do the same or even opt for the aviary route.

Various Methods of Poultry Farming and Their Advantages   Grey African Parrots - Why Are They the Most Liked Among All Parrots   Flight Cages For Finches   Parrot Facts for the Young   Parrot Sounds a La Einstein   

How Much Privacy Are Internet and Computer Users Really Afforded?

What's that famous line in all the spy movies where the CIA agent reminds another character as events occur and conflicts arise; "Trust No One!" Well, my friends judging by how social networking is shaping up, I'd say the Internet is also on that list. Why you ask? Because there are people, humans, and you know, there are folks everywhere behind the scenes making it work and deciding which way it has to evolve. There is a lot of money and value in information and big data, it is big business - it means power and control of over every individual, country, and yes, even the world - seriously. Okay, let's discuss this one shall we?

According to the FTC (Federal Trade Commission) in a Wall Street Journal article on March 27, 2012 titled; "Regulators Urge Web Privacy Rules" by Julia Angwin; "Simply put, your computer is your property. No one has the right to put anything on [your computer] that you don't want."

Okay thanks for that clarification, but please answer another question for me if you will; if the advertisers and marketers cannot track you, does that mean that only the government can?

Now then, you might say to me, "Lance, give it a rest and stop listening to Conspiracy Theory Talk Shows like Coast-to-Coast AM every night," and yes, I get that debating point, truly I do, still, just because the American People aren't paranoid doesn't mean they aren't looking at everything you are doing. It's almost as if Big Data and Big Brother are working together to replace the "Spirit in The Sky" when you die or so Norman Greenbaum says.

Next, in case you aren't on the EFF Electronic Freedom Foundation email list, why not read this article posted on March 30, 2012 in the New York Times titled; "Conflict Over How Open 'Do Not Track' Talks Will Be," by Edward Wyatt and Tanzina Vega which stated; "Technology companies want to talk with the government about protecting privacy on the Internet. They just want those talks to be private."

Fine, more private government meetings, this after President Obama allots some $200 million in his budget for "Big Data" and more government "clouds" and data centers, along with the proverbial national security issues and anti-cyber warfare campaign. So, it's readily obvious to me, and realize I am on the side of the "good guys" but it is still obvious to me that we are going to track everyone, and keep all the data in a giant data center storage in Utah somewhere from the reports I've been reading, no not on Art Bell's Coast-to-Coast Website.

Personally, I've been observing humans in their natural habitat some four and a half centuries, and seriously, I'm not sure if I can trust one of them, well, except myself. And when it comes to groups of humans involved in making money, politics, Machiavellian rule, or crony capitalism - hmm? Doubtful. Indeed, I hope you will please consider all this and think on it.

Your Personal Finances Are at Risk: Prevent Identity Theft   Stop Identity Theft With Five Tips   Stop Fraud in Five Easy Steps: The Ultimate Identity Theft Protection Guide   Using Private Investigators for Business Success   Tips for Not Becoming an Identity Fraud Victim   Identity Theft - Ways to Overcome the Devastation   

How Can an Identity Thief Obtain and Use Your Personal Digital Profile?

A person needs to understand the scope of information that is maintained in his or her "personal digital profile". It contains all of the electronic data and information that has been input, processed and stored by you and about you. Usually the data is stored across wide-spread databases. The vast majority of your confidential information can be rapidly accessed and is inter-related. The ability to search, identify and combine the data is what makes computers a blessing and a curse.

An identity thief that has targeted you begins with a certain set of data. How complete that information is depends upon how careful you have been with your confidential information. Listed below are a number of resources an identity thief can check:

1. Confidential information contained on your computer

Malicious users can conduct "port scans" on your computer to determine if entry can be gained into your computer. A successful intruder can install a "key-logger" and record everything you enter (passwords, bank account numbers, etc.) and gain access to additional information. The chances are that an invasion of this type would quickly allow a criminal to steal your identity.

2. Information that you freely give up on social media sites and share with others

Users of social media should shudder to consider the information being heaped into their personal digital identity. Friends and contacts can also share information about you without your knowledge. So it is possible that identity thieves can obtain large quantities of useful information about you without your being aware.

3. Commercial background checking organizations

Search the Internet for the phrase "background checks". You'll be amazed at the number of sites that allow individuals to conduct background checks. Examine the varied information that the companies can provide. These include: telephone numbers, address, place of work, marital status, age, sex, date of birth, the names of spouses and children and even the names of neighbors. They can also determine organization to which you belong.

Liens and judgments filed against you can be discovered checking public records. Real estate information (property owned and their values and taxes) and any businesses of record that you own are also available.

4. Commercial search engines that may contain personal information of which you might be unaware

Have you searched for yourself on the Internet? You might be amazed to learn how much is out there. If, however, you find very little there are numerous other ways ID thieves can obtain your private information, some of which are listed in this article.

5. "Cookies" placed on your computer

Cookies are small text files written to your computer to track your online movements. They can reveal your personal preferences and other information. Should that information fall into the wrong hands it could be used by identity thieves.

6. Discarding storage media without permanently erasing, degaussing or destroying it

Computer disks indefinitely retain the information that is written upon them. Many people sell or discard their old computers (or computing devices) believing that erasing the files means they are gone. Very little could be further from the truth. A skilled thief can restore deleted files. Identity thieves literally shop the Internet for used computers to obtain confidential records.

You should know that privacy for all of us is lost. Whatever "tidbit" or "morsel" of electronic information that exists about you can be accessed and cross-referenced with any other data set. Conduct your electronic life on the computer carefully. Making purchases on the Internet, social media and on-line banking all represent serious vulnerabilities.

© Alliant Digital Services, 2011

Your Personal Finances Are at Risk: Prevent Identity Theft   Stop Identity Theft With Five Tips   Stop Fraud in Five Easy Steps: The Ultimate Identity Theft Protection Guide   Tips for Not Becoming an Identity Fraud Victim   

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